A Homeowner’s Guide to Clearview Gates

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A Homeowner's Guide to Clearview Gates

The clear path to home safety

Safety is a top priority for South African homes. It’s something you might think about daily. That’s where Clearview gates come in. These gates are like the friendly neighbourhood watchman – always alert and looking out for us. They stand strong against unwanted visitors, ensuring homes remain safe and secure, whether day or night. 

But security gates don’t need to look grim. By installing Clearview gates you can still enjoy outdoor beauty. Imagine sipping your morning tea, looking through your clear gate, and seeing the world without thick panels blocking the view. It’s about feeling secure while still being connected to your beautiful surroundings.

Why Choose Clearview Gates

In a country as dynamic as South Africa, where home security is at the forefront of our minds, selecting the right security gate for our homes becomes more than just a design decision—it’s about peace of mind. So, why are more South Africans opting for Clearview gates?

Unwavering Security

Designed with security as the top priority, Clearview security gates possess a unique structure, making it incredibly challenging for intruders to climb or cut through, ensuring a heightened level of protection for your home.

See Without Being Seen

One of the standout features of Clearview security gates is their transparency. This allows homeowners to have an unobstructed view outside, keeping an eye on any activity and enjoying the view, while those outside can’t easily peek in, offering an added layer of privacy.


Made to withstand the elements, these security gates are resistant to rust and wear. Their lasting durability means they serve as a long-term investment for homeowners, providing maximum security for many years to come.

Minimal Maintenance

Unlike traditional gates that might require regular upkeep, Clearview gates are designed to have no maintenance , saving homeowners both time and money.

Blends with Home Aesthetics

While safety is paramount, we all want our homes to look inviting. Clearview gates offer that perfect balance—strong enough to deter, yet sleek enough to beautify.

In a nutshell, a Clearview gate isn’t just a gate – it’s a commitment to ensuring the safety of our loved ones while enjoying the simple pleasures of the beautiful South African landscape. With powder coated or Plas coated options for longevity and no maintenance aspect.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Security Gate for Your Home

A Clearview security gate is an excellent choice for many, but there are several factors to mull over before making that purchase:

  • Size of the Entry Point: Measure the size of your doorway or driveway. Whether you’re guarding your front door, back garden or the car’s parking spot, getting the dimensions right ensures a snug fit and maximum security.
  • Visibility vs Privacy: While these security gates and fencing provide a clear view, consider how transparent you want the gate to be. Some designs offer a clearer view than others, so think about how much you want to see out—and how much you want others to see in.
  • Budget: Clearview gates come in various designs and with different features, which influences the costs. Set a budget and decide if you want any added features like security spikes or electric fencing.
  • Customisation Options:  If you’re looking for something tailored to your property’s specific needs, explore additions like colours and Plascoat finishes.
  • Purpose of the Gate: Is your primary focus on security? Or are you looking to strike a balance between protection and letting in that lovely South African sunlight? Knowing your priorities will guide your selection. Choose between high security panels or low security panels.

What are the Different Types of Clearview Gates

The world of Clearview gates isn’t one-size-fits-all. South African homeowners can choose from various security gates and fencing, each tailored to specific needs and aesthetics. From sliding gates to swing gates, double gates or pedestrian gates. These are the most common and offer a basic, straightforward design. They provide clear visibility and come with anti-climb features.



Made to resist tampering, these gates have panels with apertures making it hard-to-cut mesh. If you live in an area with higher security concerns, this might be the ideal choice.

Swing Clearview Gates

These gates open outward or inward and can be a great fit for patios, gardens or smaller entry points. Like sliding gates, they can also be automated for convenience.

Double Leaf

For homes with wider entrances or when you want the option to only open half the gate, the double leaf design provides flexibility and function.

Customised Security Gates

Some homeowners have specific requirements or design preferences. So why not customise with unique patterns, tailored sizes and finishes, ensuring the gate fits perfectly with the home’s aesthetic, as well as security needs?

Additional Features

Why not upgrade security on your Clearview gates and fencing with the following additions:

  • Powder coating and PVC coating colour of your choice
  • Finishes like Zincalume fortify steel for the best protection and maintain the appearance
  • Anti-climb panels to ensure your gate is almost impossible to get over
  • Custom height and materials
  • Razor coil for maximum protection against crime

Securing Homes with Confidence

Navigating home security in South Africa calls for a blend of vigilance and vision. Clearview gates, with their impeccable balance of transparency and toughness, have emerged as an increasingly popular choice among homeowners.
As you think about your options, remember that the right Clearview gate not only secures your home but also allows for comfortable living, where safety and style walk hand in hand.

Learn more about Clearview security gates online here today.

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