Why the Right Corporate Security Fence Solution Can Make All the Difference

In 2020, Stats SA and the South African Police Service published their annual report which took a look at crime statistics in the country. They found that there were a reported 20 651 robberies at non-residential premises – a 3,3% increase from 2019’s statistics. While non-residential properties can include just about anything outside of residential crimes – many likely involve companies large and small that are not prepared for a criminal’s intentions. As a business, protecting your assets and the valued people who interact with your company is of the utmost importance. This is why an exceptional corporate security fence solution can make so much of a difference to the overall security of your perimeter.

Corporate Security Fence

Reasons to Secure Your Property

Most companies in the corporate sector take many measures to secure their properties. Sometimes, however, this is simply not enough. With enough insider information, armed guards, CCTV monitoring, and even access codes are easy to bypass. An almost impenetrable barrier, on the other hand, adds a much-needed layer of protection when it comes to keeping unwanted visitors out around the entire perimeter. If you are not doing all you can to stop potential break-ins and robberies, then you may be a sitting duck when it comes to crime. Below is what a high-quality security fence can help you do:

  • Protect Your Company: If you own or manage a corporate enterprise, then you know how much work it takes to move from milestone to milestone. Growth takes time, money, and hard work – and losing this progress to a criminal’s actions, no matter how small the loss, can be devastating. Protecting your goods and services’ infrastructure is a top priority, and an innovative security fence solution can help.
  • Protect Your Customers: Valued customers and clients are the reason for your success, and taking extra precautions to ensure they stay safe while visiting or interacting with your business shows you care. A well-secured establishment is also likely to leave a great impression on existing and potential customers.
  • Protect Your Team: Your employees have a right to a safe and secure working environment. By installing corporate security fence solutions around your company, you are communicating that you take their wellbeing to heart and wish to offer them a comfortable working environment.

What to Avoid in a Corporate Security Fence Solution

Look it up online and you will see no shortage of corporate security fence suppliers – but there is no guarantee that they will offer you the quality you are seeking. While many are affordable, it is impossible to know what to avoid if you do not have any industry expertise. There are some solutions from which to stay away, however, which are easy to spot. These include:

• Weak Materials: Cheap wire mesh fencing might be made of weaker materials, such as inferior aluminium. This will not stop the corporate security fence from being easily damaged or cut with a pair of standard wire cutters. You need a strong fencing system that will give criminals a tough time breaking into the property. Solid assembly is also essential, as you do not want a system that can be easily taken apart or dissembled with a minimum amount of force.
• Widely Spaced Apertures: A corporate security fence with widely spaced apertures is never a wise investment. These apertures may be wide enough to act as a hand- or foothold for criminals who wish to scale the fencing. A lack of climbing grip on a high perimeter that is topped off with electric fencing, spikes, or razor wire is optimal.

How We at ClearView Fencing Can Help

Here at ClearView Fencing, we have over 16 years of industry experience and a world-class reputation. Our custom fencing solutions and installations offer high-quality, stylish, and durable defence against would-be criminals seeking to infiltrate your property. With us, there is no need to worry about unreliable commitments, unrealistic and exorbitant prices, and products that do not last. We will ensure your satisfaction and partner with you to make certain that you are happy with your product – from placing your order to delivery and installation. Why put off protecting your assets when you can secure your property today through a range of world-class services and products?

If you would like more information on what we have to offer, simply contact us here with your query or request for a quote.

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